Episode 36 – Online Private Lesson Advantages

Contrary to what R.E.M. tried to make us believe, it is definitely NOT the end of the world, and we all know it!  But what you also should know is that there is a new episode out of The Complete Musician Podcast for you to listen to in our quarantine times!

We’ve been doing the online teaching thing for a few days now, and rather than think of it as a negative or a drawback, we discuss how you should shift your mindset to taking advantage of this time for practice and getting feedback online from your teacher!  Many different techniques can be utilized and perfected over the internet that will still contribute to your improvement as a player and your teacher is just itching to use them with you in your lessons!  We urge you to take advantage of using recording devices, striving for the highest possible quality and performance standards during this time, and making creative fun musical projects that you can share and learn from, along with many more ideas!

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